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Taxes and customs duties

Delivery in France and the European Union

All articles sold on our website are subject to VAT at the French statutory rate of 20%. 
 If delivery is to a European Union country, you will not incur any other taxes or import duty. The European Union customs territory subject to VAT covers: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France , DOM, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Republic of Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Malta, Monaco, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and the UK.

Delivery to COM-TOM

According to French tax law, articles delivered to COM and TOM and Territories are exempt from VAT at the point of sale. The local customs administration is free to charge you the VAT. When you place your order, the invoice will be issued directly without VAT before payment, once you have filled in your delivery address.


Delivery outside the European Union

All products to be delivered outside the European Union are charged without VAT and the invoice is therefore issued without VAT. Local customs authorities may charge you import duty or other import taxes. These vary according to country. When you place your order, the invoice will be issued directly without VAT before payment, once you have filled in your delivery address.
Customs documents for all parcels with a destination outside France will display the total value of your order and a description of the contents.

Local customs or import duties are due when the parcel reaches its destination country. 
You are liable for any additional customs duties. We have no control over these taxes and we cannot predict them, as customs policies vary widely from one country to another. Please contact your local customs office for further information.


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